RCSI - Card Signing

Assalmualaikum w.b.t

Anda suka anatomy??
Anatomy ni subjek yang scary ke?? Masuk bilik mayat kot!!!
CS ni apa pulak??

The cadaver is your FIRST PATIENT..so, be a good doctor! Treat your patient gently!!”~quote from a senior lecturer of RCSI


InsyaAllah, artikel ni akan membincangkan tentang CS yang acap kali menyebabkan warga RCSI kecut perut!!


~Teruskan membaca hingga akhir...

CS ialah sejenis binatang berkaki empat!!(gurau je)...
CS stands for card signing. Jika diterjemah dalam bahasa ibunda bermaksud sesi menanda kad (jangan bayangkan ibu anda sign report card..nanti homesick)...tapi hakikatnya, terma ini jauh panggang dari api...

Pendek kata, CS ialah oral test anatomy!! Yang best, senang dan mendebarkan.


Secara kasarnya, ada 3 kali CS dalam satu semester selama 3 semester. Maknanya, ada 9kali CS sahaja sepanjang anda berada di RCSI (rujuk post berkenaan system akademik RCSI ye).
Pelajar RCSI akan masuk ke anatomy room 2 kali seminggu yakni hari selasa dan jumaat. Oleh kerana terlalu banyak kali keluar masuk anatomy room tu dalam seminggu, anda akan jadi immune pada baunye(so, jangan risau bab bau k).

As a reflection for all and reminder for myself, bertuahnya kita kerana Allah memberi peluang pada kita untuk mengingati mati setiap kali melangkah masuk ke anatomy room tu.
Rasulullah pernah ditanya siapakah orang yang paling bijak. Maka jawab Rasulullah ”orang yang paling bijak ialah orang yang sentiasa mengingati mati dan bersedia untuk menghadapinya”.

Kemudian Kami ciptakan air benih itu menjadi sebuku darah beku lalu Kami ciptakan darah beku itu menjadi seketul daging; kemudian Kami ciptakan daging itu menjadi beberapa tulang; kemudian Kami balut tulang-tulang itu dengan daging. Setelah sempurna kejadian itu Kami bentuk ia menjadi makhluk yang lain sifat keadaannya. Maka nyatalah kelebihan dan ketinggian Allah sebaik-baik Pencipta. (14) Kemudian, sesungguhnya kamu sesudah itu akan mati. (15) Kemudian sesungguhnya kamu akan dibangkitkan hidup semula pada hari kiamat. (16)
[surah al-mu’minun, 15-16]

Berbalik pada subjek utama kita iaitu CS, selalunya CS akan diadakan once in every 2 weeks..pada hari jumaat pukul 2petang- 4petang (kiranya group yang ada CS minggu tu akan masuk anatomy room 2kali pada hari jumaat tu..iaitu pagi dan petang)

Tak faham!! Tolong jelaskan lagi boleh??

Ok. 1 cadaver= 12 students, so, pada hari card signing tu, anda akan di ‘bombard’ dengan soalan2 anatomy yang telah dipelajari sebelum ni oleh seorang prosecter/lecturer di hadapan semua ahli group anda dan pelajar2 group lain. Maka, kalau tak dapat jawab tu mungkin rasa malu sekejap tapi tak de pape pun. It’s a learning process!

Tak dapat bayang lagi!!! Apa contoh soalannya??

Oo..soalannya senang-senang belaka. Soalan2 bergantung pada prosecter tu..suka hati dia la nak bagi soalan apa pon..
Cuma patternnya ialah usually the prosecter will call up your name, give u a bone and ask anything about the bone...orientation(kadang2 student akan tersilap anterior part jadi posterior and superior part jadi inferior part-ini fenomena biasa when someone panic..huhu),name the parts of the bone..etc

Then soalan tentang organ2/other system of the body such as muscle attachment, blood supply, nerve supply, venous drainage, lymp drainage etc...prosecter akan tunjuk pada cadaver, then suruh identify what is what etc...ni nerve ape, muscle ape dan lain2..
then soalan clinical sket-injuries, certain disease yg ada dalam lecture notes
and maybe some question using x-rays/scan film

Kalau anda bagus sangat, dia akan bagi soalan yang high level sket. Ni soalan A Star student ar...EMBRYOLOGY QUESTIONS!!!( tak tau kenapa orang gerun sangat dengan soalan embryo...tapi insyaAllah semua jawapan ada ja dalam lecture note!!)...

Berapa lama masa diperuntukkan for each student??

Selalunya, prosecter tak set masa pon for each student berapa minit..ikut suka hati dia..usually paling lama pon 10minit..paling skejap dalam 3minit....kalau dia suka sangat dengan student tu sebab dapat jawab dengan lancar dan betul, mungkin 3 soalan pun da cukup(dipermudahkan hisab gtu)...kalau student tu lambat jawab, pikir lama, jawab pulak gagap-gagap, mungkin lagi banyak soalan yang ditanya. Jangan salah faham pula..niat lecturer tu baik..untuk ajar apa yang kita xtau dan memang terbukti setiap lecturer tu sangat2 penyabar. Dia xmarah pon kalo xdapat jawab...serious!

Teeet..dah habis masa. Lepas tu apa jadi??

Dah habeh jawab, prosecter tu akan bagi rate sama ada A+/-, B+/-, C (xpenah plak nampak +/- untuk C....huhu)..paling teruk pon orang dapat ialah Abs....it means absent!!...prosector akan tanda grade atas kertas namelist(bukan card ye..)...so, kalau Abs nih, orang tu kena jugak buat CS ni pada masa2 lain..dia kena jumpa lecturer dan bagitahu alasan kenapa xdatang dan lecturer tu akan set a new date for him/her..mudah je

CS ada dikira dalam overall final assessment tak??


But the percentage is very small.. 2.5% overall. So, no worries! What’s important is to do your best in every CS.

Apa yang special sangat dengan CS ni??

Bak kata one of my favourite lecturers “Card signing is not meant to embarrass you in front of your colleague. It is a learning process!! it is not just a test but it is a teaching. It teaches you to be confident, to be able to speak out.. "

Memang kecut perut pada mulanya tapi lama-lama kita akan jatuh cinta. Betul ni..tak tipu. The best part is kita tak tahu siapa akan jadi prosector pada hari CS tu. Memang diakui, ada sebahagian prosector yang ‘ganas’, agak sukar bagi grade A dan ada prosector yang suka tanya soalan yang memerlukan deep thinking..huhu...tapi semuanya berhati baik sebenarnya. At the end of the session, prosector tu akan bagi peluang untuk tanya apa-apa soalan yang masih tak faham.

Tips and tricks??

Nanti tanya dengan senior tau...banyak sangat tips. So, I’m gonna give some of them here..
1-lepas habis A-Level/IB, beli buku anatomy Monkhouse dan rajinkan diri baca buku tu k...(it does help..serious..as early exposure)
2-Blue book (RCSI bagi) ialah buku guideline for dissection, a book that tells you what is important and what is not etc
3-Practice speaking.. speaking.. speaking and.... speaking.
4-Practice on cadaver.. dalam seminggu paling kurang setiap pelajar (kelas wajib..selasa dan jumaat) akan masuk anat room 2 kali. Tapi, kalau minggu tu ada CS, usually kami akan masuk bila-bila masa je..sepnjang minggu tu..buat study group dlam bilik anat (anat room RCSI opens everyday except on weekend/holidays) ..Practice on bone and skeleton
5-Doa banyak2, selawat banyak2, zikir banyak2 supaya tenang on the CS day

That’s it for now. A sneak peek into CS that personally teaches me a lot about this short life we have, about cooperation, about understanding, not merely remembering all the muscle names, about confidence and courage etc.. I love CS!!! You will too.. InsyaAllah..

So, see you in RCSI! =)

Dublin Business School

Assalamualaikum wrt.

Wanna know about DBS??

- Established in 1975, Dublin Business School (DBS) is Ireland's largest independent third level college
Mm..what’s so special about DBS?

-First, it is not a medical school! From the name itself, DUBLIN BUSINESS SCHOOL, kinda gives you a rough idea on what school it is, right?

It is not just for business students, there are other courses available as well

-Business and Management
-Information and Technology
...and many more!

You have choices to either be a full time student or part-time student (you can find extra money by working part time, especially for those who are self sponsored)
-From experiences, you can work in accountancy firms, as cashier in shopping mall, baby sitter etc.
-Study hard and smart during weekdays, and beware! No procrastination in any assignments or studies! have a good time management..

DBS prepares students for the workplace, maintaining competitive and a ‘smart economy' and plays a valuable part in the holistic development of the person. They also provide students on essential skills such as communication skills, planning, leadership, multi-tasking etc.


-Dublin Business School, a private institute, is located just 10-minutes walk to the city centre - makes your life easy! (groceries, shopping, halal food restaurants, tourisms, etc)
-hungry in the middle of the lecture? No worries, there is a restaurant, located at the underground level..nyummy lasagna, burger, spaghetti, omelette ..all are halal!

-Other choices of food are avaliable nearby, Wok In noodles, Zaika restaurants, Milkshake bar, Buttler’s chocolate shop and many more. But if you are planning to save your money, make a quick n simple home-made food to school by yourself

-Libraries, good book references and computers for extra infos on your studies, shhh..quiet plezz,it’s library…;)

-Musolla? mm..there is no prayer room in DBS as compared to other universities, BUT this is your chance to experience to pray in the middle of book shelves (in the library) or in the changing room in the shopping mall nearby.. without your telekung too! just wear as complete as you close your aurat to school, take wudhu’ in the washroom and pray! Islam is as simple as that.. Those experiences that you won’t get in Malaysia, because prayer rooms and masjid are all over the place.

-Gym? You can find them nearby, just a few minutes walkfrom DBS, but the gymnasium are not under DBS facilities.. You can pay choose to pay for a fortnight,or monthly or yearly.. Have a good stamina instead of reading books for 24 hours! Be a healthy person!

-Feeling bored studying? You have many choices of student organization that you can join, all the outdoor and co-curricular activities are available.

-DBS is located just 5 minutes walking from Royal College of Surgeon in Ireland, if u wanna socialize with medic students =)

You can either walk from your house, or cycle or go to school by bus(you can buy a monthly ticket, with student price!)

-Prepare your heart and minds to survive in overseas (but no worries, we seniors are welcoming you, do ask us for any helps)
-Prepare all the documents required by the college
-Don’t forget to do your GARDA card (DBS students are quite complicated compared to other students, because they need to wait for confirmation from the college before they could proceed to make the GARDA card, so, make sure to do it early!)

Any other inquiries, you can go to this website : http://www.dbs.ie/
or don’t hesitate to ask from seniors as well!

University College of Dublin - A new beginning..

Assalamualaikum adik-adik..^_^

Macam mana ye flow perjalanan kita beberapa hari selepas menjejakkan kaki di bumi ireland ni? Mesti ramai yang tertanya apa yang akan berlaku. Hari ni akak nak cerita sedikit –sebanyak sekadar apa yang akak ingat berlaku kira-kira 9 bulan yang lalu.

1st Day
Memandangkan akak pelajar JPA, selalunya JPA akan hantar student fly sehari sebelum pendaftaran ataupun hari pendaftaran tu sendiri. Student MARA pulak sampai beberapa hari sebelum tu.

Sebaik sahaja menjejakkan kaki di Dublin Airport, kami disambut oleh wakil JPA, MARA , pegawai Malaysian Hall serta beberapa orang senior. Kami diberi taklimat tentang borang-borang yang perlu diisi dan dilengkapi untuk diserahkan kepada pegawai berkanaan dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan. Adik-adik jangan risau kerana pegawai-pegawai ini sungguh ramah dan sedia menghulurkan bantuan jika diperlukan. Mereka ibarat ibu ayah kita di sini.=)
Selepas itu, kami dibawa menaiki bas ke kolej kediaman; Merville dan Belgrove. Masih ingat lagi hari tu hujan sangat lebat. Bak kata Carl Lusby(international student officer) sudah lama ireland tidak hujan lebat camni sejak 3 bulan yang lalu. Basah kuyup kami dibuatnya dengan hanya memakai baju nipis daripada Malaysia ditambah dengan angin yang kuat, sejuknya terasa hingga ke tulang! Kalau adik-adik nak tahu, angin dekat ireland ni sangat la kencang. Silap-silap bole terbang kita dibuatnya.o.O
Bermulalah proses pendaftaran- membuat student card serta check in apartment.Pastikan adik-adik menyimpan semua dokumen di tempat yang mudah dicapai untuk memudahkan segala proses,k. Kalau simpan kat dalam 1 file lagi bagus.=)
Selepas semua proses selesai, kami semua ada taklimat dengan Carl Lusby. Dia mengucapkan kata-kata aluan dan sangat gembira menyambut kami di sini. You can feel her warm welcome.=) Akak masih ingat lagi dia bercerita tentang anak dia yg juga belajar di luar negara, sangat inspiring. I’m sure she will tell you the same story again.=)
Sepanjang minggu orentasi ni adik-adik akan ditemani oleh Orientation Guide (OG) di kalangan senior dari Malaysia sendiri. Adik-adik akan dibahagikan kepada kumpulan-kumpulan kecil. Di sinilah adik-adik akan dapat berjumpa dengan teman baru. Masih ingat lagi kumpulan akak dulu dijaga oleh senior berbangsa Cina dan ahlinya ada yang daripada Singapura, Sarawak dan juga pelajar tajaan PAMA .(papa mama)

2nd Day
Proses orientasi diteruskan lagi. Hari ni kami membuka akaun di bank. Hampir semua pelajar Malaysia di sini membuka akaun AIB untuk urusan kemasukan alaun. Mudah jer prosesnye dan kita akan dapat kad bank dalam tempoh seminggu.yey!=) Selepas tu, kita juga akan teruskan proses pendaftaran dan dibawa oleh OG mengelilingi UCD. UCD ni besar sangat; ada sport centre, pelbagai blok akademik,makmal,restoran, tasik yang sangat indah,dan tak lupa juga surau UCD yang baru jer siap tahun ni.(2011) Alhamdulillah=)
Pada sebelah petang pula, kami mengikuti majlis sambutan pelajar baru yang diadakan oleh pihak universiti sendiri. Rasa macam tak percaya pula sekarang kita duduk di kalangan pelajar dari seluruh dunia. Ade seorang kawan selalu cakap ‘ macam kat dalam tv la kte sekarang.mcm tak percaya!=)’ Mendengar chanselor universiti memberi ucapan, kata-kata semangat timbul perasaan ‘Wah, sekarang saya sudah menjadi pelajar universiti!’ Gunakanlah peluang ni untuk timba ilmu sebanyak-banyaknye.

3rd Day
Hari ni kami dibawa bersiar-siar di City Centre oleh OG. Akhirnya dapat jugak melihat susana bandar kat Dublin ni. Kami dibawa ke tempat beli belah yang selalu pelajar Malaysia pergi. Asian Market, restoran halal, kedai runcit halal dan banyak lagi. Pasal makanan halal di sini adik-adik tak payah risau,k sebab ada banyak pilihan makanan halal. Insha Allah tak kan mati sebab kekurangan zat.hee=)
Waktu ni la adik-adik boleh beli sedikit sebanyak barang keperluan rumah. Yela, kita kan baru masuk rumah baru. Barang-barang dapur semua tak ada lagi. Kiranya ni la shopping pertama adik-adik di ireland.=) Masih ingat lagi kami dulu selalu cuba nak convert euro ke ringgit. Penat kakak-kakak pesan jangan convert, tak makan awak nanti!hee.. Betul, adik-adik, kalau kita asyik nak convert memang terasa sayang nak gunakan duit tu sebab nilainya tinggi. Nasihat untuk diri sendiri jugak sebab sampai sekarang tabiat tu blom hilang..>_<
Adik-adik jangan risau, cuak dan bimbang ye sepanjang minggu orientasi ni. Adik-adik akan dibantu oleh OG dan juga seniors yang sangat ramah dan baik hati. Kurang sikit perasaan homesick. We’re more than happy to help you guys!^_^

p/s: rujukan article ni adalah daripada memori sendiri semata-mata. Sebarang kesilapan,mohon maaf ye.

National University of Ireland, Galway

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

-NUI Galway is the Sunday Times University of the Year 2009-10
-NUI Galway has more than 16,000 students from over 90 countries across the world
-13% of our students are international
-There are 82 student societies and 41 sports clubs


The newest facility provided by the university is Kingfisher sports complex. The complex includes:-
- A six-lane, 25 metre swimming pool, with a moveable floor (international competition standard)
- Dedicated squash and racquetball courts
- A National League basketball arena and sports hall with bleacher seating for over 600 spectators
- A 100-piece cardiovascular gym with 35 pieces of resistance equipment
- A dedicated elite training gym
- Two fitness studios, suitable for aerobic training
- A competition-style climbing wall
- Saunas and a steam room

The are two prayer rooms available; one is located in the main campus and the one in the Clinical Science Institute.


Medicine is the main course of choice among Malaysian Students. There are about 120 medical students for each batch, with an average of 15 Malaysian students.


There are 10 student accommodations available for NUI Galway students. Most of the years, first year Malaysian students are being placed in Dunaras Village and Atlantis Apartment.
Dunaras Village is situated within 20-25 minutes walking distance from the campus while Atlantis Apartment is less than 10 minutes walking distance. Buses to the campus are provided.
All Malaysian students will move out and rent a house nearer to campus and hospital after a year.

Halal Food

Mediteranean shop (known as 'Pak Mat') and Aroma store are the only two halal stores near to Malaysian community. The price is affordable. Malaysian foods are also available in those stores such as maggi, habhal soy sauce, maggi chilli sauce, milo and etc. Raw ingredients to cook Malaysian foods are also available. These includes green chillies, lemon grass, coconut milk, basmati rice and more.

Malaysian Community

There is approximately 100 Malaysians including undergraduates and post graduates.

What to Prepare

All important documents!

Credits : JOM! - http://www.jom2011.com/
Have you registered for this UK&Ireland pre departure program?
Just click on the JOM website to register - i't's a great opportunity to learn how life as a muslim is in overseas and to make new friends =)
Let's be part of this wonderful experience, insyaAllah =)

University College Cork

Assalamualaikum w.b.t =)

Cork County is The Rebel County. So yes, we are always unique to the rest of the state.

Personally, when I first heard of it, I was like, ""Cork? What an uncool name!"" Well, indeed it is! but definitely not the people! Believe me!~ Cork has such a vibrant and positive aura, exception - on Thursday and Friday nights where the roads are busy with drunk people *sigh*. The people are friendly and we have a significant number of Muslim community here.

UCC is considered not only a respected University but also one of the nicest 'gardens' belonging to Cork as a whole. The campus is situated along a riverside garden setting, radiating a warm, personal charm, which greatly enhances the learning environment. I took this from the university website. But, I can assure you, it is not something like "indah kabar dari rupa". Needless to say more. It is better for you to experience it yourself.


Hmm.. in terms of the facilities, UCC has almost everything a student could want. We have a huge Sport Arena with first-rate sporting facilities; swimming pool, climbing-wall et cetera. And of course, it is FREE for all students. And the new Boole Library is just MASSIVE and SUPERB. Oh, our university ID is better-looking than the other uni as well. Hik hik hik..

For us, the Muslim students, the school has provided such a comfy prayer room in the Health Science Building and it even has a sink and basin for us to take wudu'. Just don't forget about the swapping every Friday between the brothers and sisters. Talk about some day-mare when you open the door to just a whole different species staring at you. @_@


Most undergraduates are studying Medicine and a small proportion are doing Dentistry. There are also Post-graduates who are studying Nursing and Engineering. In total there are roughly 120 Malaysians; so it's a much smaller community compared to Dublin, but hey, we are much more happier and friendlier than the Dubliners!


Basically, first year students will be staying in the Students' Hall, known as the (not-so-white-) Castlewhite Apartment. I hate saying this but you have no choice but to live in an apartment with local students and other international students. It was a good experience anyway staying with non-Malaysians but sometimes, you really have to be extra patient with them.

But fret not, who knows, insyaAllah you'll meet some of the coolest vegetarian Americans and non-party-drinking-Irish ever! Amin to that!!

Life as a Muslim

IT'S AWESOME!! Do I need to say how many times I'm blessed to actually be a Muslim?? Really, Islam pulls you through every single day in Medicine (and Dentistry!!) and when you get to learn Psychiatry one day, oh my...:)

UCC has our own Islamic Society called Muslim Cultural Society; it's a great society which has better themselves (or better, ourselves, insyaAllah) since its beginning. Every single Muslim Malaysian student of UCC have associated themselves wth MCS's history, so why don't you be a part of the history as well??

We also have the Cork Mosque; and the whole Muslim community always try to get together in every single event organized by either the Cork Mosque itself, the Cork Mosque Women Group and UCC MCS.

Halal Food

Halal food is not a problem:) Just come here and we'll show you more (or better, we'll cook for you!! One house has all the machines to become a bakery, really)

Malaysian Community

Malaysians are not the majority here (as you may have pictured); but our experience of living in a multi-cultural country will help us to adapt to new people and the new things surrounding us. Encountering new people, new dialect (oh, the Cork accent can be quite difficult to follow; be ready to speed up that speaking speed!), new buildings, new air and atmosphere can be exhausting at times, but most of the juniors who arrived here, in 3 months time will be obliged to say how happy they are to come to Cork. Oh no, not because they have the most loving and caring seniors ever (thank you¬) but Allah has blessed Cork with great people overall.

Here, we hope that all Malaysians will be able to grow into better people that can shine and contribute their best for the Ummah, Islam and our beloved Malaysia now and in the future.

What to prepare?

Passport. Haha. You need to pass the security check first!

Okay, here's a summarized list. The rest will shared more at JOM:
1. Al-Quran (with terjemahan is better)
2. Stationeries (you thought you wouldn't be needing them, won't you?)
3. Notepads (for taking down notes in lectures)
* don't buy 5-6 of them, just 1-2 is enough for the start of the term. Notepads are pretty expensive here.
4. Clothes- your usual daily clothes, socks, pants, tudung etc3.
5. Rempah makanan Malaysia that you just can't live without. Like Ruski, right? Or serunding! Or your mom's secret ingredients.
6. Medical books!!- contact your person listed below.

Okay, for coat or sweater, DON'T bring the winter thick ones from Malaysia. Because there are still time before winter when you get here and plus, they have better designs here as well. Seriously. If you have to bring one, best to bring the one that have hoodies as well. Cause if you haven't heard, Ireland rains all year round.

When you have reached this paragraph, you'll probably realized that we're trying to exaggerate, a lil bit romanticizing but not distorting or fabricating the truth about living in Cork nor studying in UCC. It's a great city to live in insyaAllah. If you're the city-person type, Ireland is not the place for you anyway; but open your heart and sooner than later you'll be missing Cork each time you went away :)

Credits : JOM! - http://www.jom2011.com/
Have you registered for this UK&Ireland pre departure program?
Just click on the JOM website to register - i't's a great opportunity to learn how life as a muslim is in overseas and to make new friends =)
Let's be part of this wonderful experience, insyaAllah =)

Trinity College Dublin - Introduction

Assalamualaikum w.b.t ;)


Founded in 1592 by letters patent from Queen Elizabeth I, Trinity College Dublin is the oldest university of Ireland and its best ever. Since it is an ancient university, expect those streams of tourists from all over the world, almost all-year round. If you’re one of those who love the ranks, Trinity is 52nd in QS World University Rankings 2010 (Wohoo, not bad eh?). Not only that, the School of Medicine is celebrating our Tercentenary (300 years; 1711-2011, that’s how old we are! *clap..clap..*) this year, so a lot of activities have been going to celebrate such achievement. Located 7 minutes from the heart of Dublin and a minute from the famous pedestrian walk of Grafton Street, you’ll find the surroundings as charming and lively.

Worried on how you’ll get by the new surroundings and all? Don’t worry, we have the first week of the academic year for Freshers' Week (before all those gruesome lectures). The university will offer you official orientation sessions covering introduction to university life and services, computer access, including Library and Sports Centre tours. Yet, there are so many clubs and societies out there opening their booths promoting the activities. Rock climbing, shooting, South East Asian, Islamic Society, the Students Union - It all depends on you to decide which of those might suit yourself. (You’ll have us as well to boss you … err… to help you of course!!!)

There is a prayer room located at Gold Smith Halls [nun jauh disana] It is the only prayer room in Trinity and we Malaysians call it ‘Gua Thur’ (Trinity and all the mystics and mysteries surrounding them). Even though it might sound far, the new building of School of Medicine will be up and running next term and they’re quite near to each other, as well as other Sciences faculties (now that tells you about Muslims students here. Yes, most of us are Science students but there are students from other faculties as well).

Have we told you about our magnificent Sports Centre? It has a 25 metre, 6 lane swimming pools with a floating floor, a large fitness theatre with over 60 exercise stations, an 11 metre high climbing wall, a fitness studio and a spin studio, sauna and steam room and two large sports halls. Outdoor facilities on campus include Croquet Lawn, Tennis Courts, Rugby, Soccer and Cricket pitches along with a running track in the summer. Off campus there are extensive playing fields at Santry and the Trinity Boat Club has its boathouse on the River Liffey at Islandbridge. (All these from the TCD website, of course! You guys should check it out.) Not only that, we have superb Science gallery, numerous Arts galleries and the famous Book of Kells.

Compared to both RCSI and UCD, entrance of Malaysian students in Trinity every year is in a small number, and they’re usually under government sponsorship [MARA + JPA] for both Medicine and Dentistry courses. For example this year, we have 13 meds and dentistry first years combined. However, there are still opportunities for those pursuing post grads education here in under subjects as well, and Trinity is famous as the central hub of research in Ireland.

Malaysian students are always given the spot in Trinity Hall but you can also opt to live with Malaysian, Irish or International students as well around Dublin. (However, First year students under MARA are obliged to stay in the Trinity Hall).

Non EU students can apply as soon as they have confirmed acceptance of an offer of a place in Trinity College and have received their Trinity ID number. You may choose your roommates (two singles spacious bedroom) if you know their full name and student number. And you can stay there for maximum 2 years. The rent for halls usually goes in every term. You can leave before the next term starts (better for you bank account) but you must give the accommodation office at least 1 month's notice and it helps if you can find people willing to take your spot. If you decide to leave before the term is over, they won't refund your money.

Credits : JOM! - http://www.jom2011.com/
Have you registered for UK and Ireland pre departure program?
Just click on the JOM website to register - i't's a great opportunity to learn how life as a muslim is in overseas and to make new friends =)
Let's be part of this wonderful experience, insyaAllah =)

Trinity College Dublin - Transportation and FOOD ;)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

There are 3 ways to get to campus from halls:

1. Bus

If you are willing to walk to Rathmines town (~15-20 mins walk) you can take buses 14, 14A, 15, 15A. There is a bus that stops right outside halls: bus 128. Most people take this one. If you take the bus, the journey itself is usually about 20-30 minutes during off-peak hours. However, the buses come less frequently off-peak.


LUAS is like LRT but it runs on street level. There are 2 lines in Dublin city: Green (Southside) and Red (Northside). Since halls and Trinity are on the Southside, you would be taking the Green line.
The nearest stop for halls is Milltown (about 15 mins walk). You take the LUAS to the last stop, St Stephen's Green, and walk from there to Trinity (~10 mins). The whole journey takes about 20 mins.
Basically, both services cost about the same. People who don't really like walking very far usually take the bus I think.

3. Foot

It’s possible to walk. It takes about 45 minutes. I suppose it's ok to walk in autumn but in winter it would be quite terrible (rain, wind, cold etc).
The walking route people take is the one followed by the bus.


It is most convenient to cook. You can get halal chicken easily from halal shops. there is one in Rathmines, which is the nearest to the Halls. The price is relatively cheap and insyaAllah it will be much more cheaper than eating outside. You just need some willpower and a little bit of cooking skills! There is also Asian foodstores, known as Oriental Emporium. This is the place to get materials such as rempah, maggi, kicap, sos cap megi, rare materials such as pandan leaves, serai, fish and shrimps, coconut milk and many more. Nevertheless, eating out is still an option. There are not many halal food restaurants around, but you can still get them nonetheless. I personally think that the price is relatively cheaper in UK than in Ireland.

Malaysian Community

In Ireland, we have quite a big malaysian community, especially in Dublin and most of them are students. We also have many Malaysian doctors as well. During Eid celebration, we usually gather at the malaysian hall to celebrate with fellow malaysians and feel the Eid atmosphere. As for the malaysian community in our university, as mentioned before, it is quite small as there are not many malaysian students in TCD. However, there are two societies that are usually being participated by the malaysians; they are the muslim student association (along with the other muslims) and south east asian society (with other asians).

What to prepare

Same with other uni, buy related books [depends on the course, u can ask seniors about this] it is better to buy books from Malaysia. Passport and relevant letter [eg offer letter etc].

Credits : JOM! - http://www.jom2011.com/
Have you registered for UK and Ireland pre departure program?
Just click on the JOM website to register - i't's a great opportunity to learn how life as a muslim is in overseas and to make new friends =)
Let's be part of this wonderful experience, insyaAllah =)

UK & Eire Pre-Departure Program - JOM

Journey of a Muslim

Can I survive in overseas?
What do I bring?
Is it awkward to wear scarf in uni/college?
What is my university gonna be like?
Can I adapt with the new environment?

Do those Q’s pop into your mind? Don’t hesitate to click on this website: http://www.jom2011.com/
to find out more AND the best is to JOIN US and get the answers straight from brothers and sisters who are still studying there!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

Salam adik2 yang dikasihi Allah, Alhamdulillah pada tahun ini Allah masih memberi peluang untuk IKRAM UKE menganjurkan Pre-Departure Programme khas untuk adik2 yang bakal terbang

Tentu adik-adik mempunyai banyak persoalan yang masih belum ketemu jawapannya. Jadi inilah masanya untuk adik-adik beramah mesra bersama-sama akak2 dan abang2 untuk berkongsi pengalaman di sana. Adik-adik hanya perlu bersama kami selama 3 hari 2 malam sahaja untuk menyuarakan apa2 kemusyikilan pada kami

Keistimewaan JOM :
2) Kami bukan saja ingin berkongsi pengalaman malah
3) Ilmu berkaitan dengan cara hidup seorang muslim (cth: solat jama’ waktu summer/exam, fiqh2 luar negara spt penggunaan khuf dsbg)

Tentunya ia berbeza daripada kehidupan di Malaysia?Jadi,apakah persediaan yang perlu dilakukan?

4) Kami turut menjemput speaker2 hebat khas utk adik2. Tambahan pula,
5) Pelbagai aktiviti menarik menanti adik2.

Secara ringkasnya, SEMUANYA ADA DI JOM. Untuk maklumat lanjut,kami sangat mengalu-alukan adik2 ke website rasmi JOM di http://www.jom2011.com/

InsyaAllah. Kami sangat berbesar hati untuk membantu adik2 dan tak sabar rasanya untuk berkenalan bersama.

~ Semoga kita bertemu dalam majlis yang Allah rahmati kerana antara mereka kasih-mengasihi antara satu sama lain ~

-=Nadzirah Baharuddin=-

RCSI Information

Asslamualaikum w.b.t

For adik2 who will be coming to RCSI, there are actually a few posts in this blog which contain information on RCSI that could help you. To make it easier, here are the links to the post, with some updates below them, which are the changes that occur during our year (batch 15) ;)

RCSI General Information - Location, facilities, library, food!, medical centre
Introduction: http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/06/rcsi-introduction.html

Update: The nearest fast food restaurants available here are Zaika and Wakin, Sufi's cafe has been closed (awww...)

RCSI Academic Matters : http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/07/academic-in-rcsi.html

Update: For the latest batch, RCSI has changed the online MCQ Quiz to.. well, non-online MCQ Quiz. Which means we're doing the quiz the traditional way - in the exam hall, with pencils provided (yeay~). There are 25 objective questions which covers all the modules ;) The test will contribute 2.5% for the final exam.

Transportation to RCSI: http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/06/transportation-untuk-rcsians.html

Manage our $$$: http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/06/tips-menjaga-duit.html

The experience ;) : http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/07/my-very-first-day-in-rcsi.html

InsyaAllah, we'll meet this September..!

JOM! - http://www.jom2011.com/
Have you registered for this UK&Ireland pre departure program?
Just click on the JOM website to register - i't's a great opportunity to learn how life as a muslim is in overseas and to make new friends =)
Let's be part of this wonderful experience, insyaAllah =)