For adik2 who will be coming to RCSI, there are actually a few posts in this blog which contain information on RCSI that could help you. To make it easier, here are the links to the post, with some updates below them, which are the changes that occur during our year (batch 15) ;)
RCSI General Information - Location, facilities, library, food!, medical centre
Introduction: http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/06/rcsi-introduction.html
Update: The nearest fast food restaurants available here are Zaika and Wakin, Sufi's cafe has been closed (awww...)
RCSI Academic Matters : http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/07/academic-in-rcsi.html
Update: For the latest batch, RCSI has changed the online MCQ Quiz to.. well, non-online MCQ Quiz. Which means we're doing the quiz the traditional way - in the exam hall, with pencils provided (yeay~). There are 25 objective questions which covers all the modules ;) The test will contribute 2.5% for the final exam.
Transportation to RCSI: http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/06/transportation-untuk-rcsians.html
Manage our $$$: http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/06/tips-menjaga-duit.html
The experience ;) : http://irelandseniors.blogspot.com/2010/07/my-very-first-day-in-rcsi.html
InsyaAllah, we'll meet this September..!
JOM! - http://www.jom2011.com/
Have you registered for this UK&Ireland pre departure program?
Just click on the JOM website to register - i't's a great opportunity to learn how life as a muslim is in overseas and to make new friends =)
Let's be part of this wonderful experience, insyaAllah =)