Transportation untuk RCSIans!!

Assalamualaikm wrt.

Transportation ke sekolah!


Part transport ni sangat best.
RCSI memang terkenal dengan class awal pagi nyerr.
Paling awal class adalah jam 8pagi. Maka, time ni lah boleh kita perhati
Betapa berdedikasinyerr student2 Malaysia. Lecture xmendapat sambutan.
Selalunya, untuk 1st year, class start jam 9pagi.
And habis class petang, dalam jam 4petang.
Macam skolah kan?? urmmm

Masa Autumn, dalam period 2 bulan pertama time adik2 sampai Ireland, insyaAllah musim sejuk belum start sangat lagi, so x berapa nak sejuk.

Makanya, silalah berjalan kaki ke sekolah. Kasut semahunya waterproof, ber’hoodies’ dan kasut yang the best choice, insyaAllah yang waterproof.

Jarak waktu jalan kaki ikut kawasan rumah adik2 juga.

Dublin 2&4: Around 10-15minutes

Dublin 6:
- Rathmines: 15-20 minutes
- Harold’s Cross: 20-25 minutes

Dublin 8 (South Circular) : 25-30minutes

Urmm ada area2 lain lagi. Huhu xingat,
Tapi, semua ni Malaysian walk. InsyaAllah, kalau Irish walk, dapat jimat 5-8 minutes.

Dan, jangan risau coz xpenat sangat pun jalan sbb time musim luruh ngan winter xberpeluh.
Sejuk, so pakai tight and kot tebal yang berat.
Huhu bagus untuk training and exercise =)


Transport ni tak berapa popular di kalangan muslimat. Dan agak famous for muslimeen
Tapi, ada ramai jugak kakak2 yang naik basikal, especially yang rumah jauh2.

Harga basikal??
Cuba teka?

Mahal, mahal.
But then, still affordable.
Basikal yang 2nd hand kat kedai harganya area 79.99-200.00 EUR.
Dan condition basikal memang elok insyaAllah sebab kedai2 kat sini sangat2 bagus.

Mengikut pengamatan setahun di Dublin, memang ternyata basikal adalah pengangkutan pilihan compare motokar, and bus di kalangan Irish.
Jangan terkejut, time nak parking bicycle, korang terserempak dgn lecturer anatomy!

Nak dapatkan basikal paling murah, pegilah car boot (tempat jual barang murah yg diadakan 2minggu skali). Basikal kat situ dijual area 25.00-50.00 EUR.
Just condition basikal xdalah sihat sgt. Ada karat2 skit tapi still murah n boleh diguna dgn mantopnyerr!

Pasal basikal ni, nak share yang kes kecurian basikal amat common kat Dublin.

p/s: tgk ni tinggal tayar je

Jangan khuatir....
InsyaAllah, kunci dgn betul dapat elakkan basikal anda hilang. Yang penting doa Allah jaga basikal kita! =)


Dublin Bus sememangnyerr satu-satunyerr syarikat bus yang memonopoli bus2 yang ada kat jalan raya around Dublin.

Bas ni 2 tingkat. SubhanAllah....selesa! Xyah aircond sbb udara kat sini lebey sejuk dari aircond masyaAllah!
Adik2 boleh jugak pegi sekolah naik bus, sbb insyaAllah bus kat sini sgt2 frequent masa hari skolah.
Tapi kena kluar rumah awal jugak kay.

Kat sini, nak naik bus boleh guna coins,

atau Rambler ikut hari(smartcard)

Coins kena accurate. Takde changes. Kalau coins x accurate, korang terpaksa redeem duit baki guna resit bus kat Dublin Bus Office kat city.

Rambler untuk student pula dijual dgn harga student yg murah n berbaloi.
5 Hari : 15.00Eur
30 Hari : 75.00Eur

Selalunya, time winter, penggunaan bus sangat meriah.
Teringat pulak, pernah terjadi Winter lepas di musim exam. Jalan frozen. Penuh Ais. Boleh meluncur.
Licin sangat3x. By that time, Dublin bus punya service stop for 1-2 days.
Kenalah jalan kaki....lalalala~~~ dalam kesejukan winter huhu =(

InsyaAllah inilah transportation yang ada kat Dublin.
Kalau nak naik taxi mmg xcukuplah elaun sbb taxi kat sini telan duit macam kita minum air. Mahal!!!
Jika teringin nak naik beca, silalah ke city atau Grafton street depan RCSI. Tapi beca moden lah and ada orang yang akan drive kan free utk korang!
Selamat berkenderaan ke sekolah!
Walaupun berjalan kaki, insyaAllah setiap langkah Allah count as jihad kita menuntut ilmuNya! =)

Tips Menjaga Duit!

Fuyooo duit Euro!!

Inilah main problem student2 Malaysia bila sampai sini.
Bak kata sorang kakak senior (“Kedekut!”)

Ni normal, so jgnlah down bila ada yg kata korang kedekut.
Masa mula2 kami, senior2 korang ni jejak kaki kat sini, sangat2 kedekut!
Semua benda nak convert. Nak makan cokelat Cadbury harga 2euro pun berkira. Lagi2 time Euro tgh tinggi.
Dulu 1 Euro = RM 5.20
Sekarang dah makin kecik duit Euro ni: 1 Euro = RM 4.00 (June 2010)

So, imagine lah kami, convert cokelat yg sekepin tuh jadi RM10++
Ermmm letak balik xjadi nak beli!!
(Note that: Kena boikot Cabdury sebab recently US punya syarikat ambil alih. So, plzzz boikot, insyaAllah kita perjuangkan yang haq untuk bantu saudara2 kita especially di Gaza insyaAllah)

Okay, nak save duit.
Sekiranya by the time korang rasa diri sangat kedekut. Ahaa!
InsyaAllah ini salah 1 cara nak save duit. Especially PMCsians. Musti korang rasa nak save sangat2 kan?
Makanya, jangan risau kay.
Once dah daftar and ada account AIB (Allied Irish Bank), korang dapat uruskan duit secara online. Semua urusan kat sini, mmg mudah. Nak transfer duit pegi account lain ke, bayar rent, anything insyaAllah secara online.

Secara online jugak dalam account bank tuh, orang boleh buka saving account.
Contohnya bank AIB, korang boleh apply online untuk saving.
Secara automatiknya, every month duit korang akan di transfer ke dalam saving account.
Ada juga yang save dengan membuka account di bank2 lain, seperti BOI (Bank Of Ireland),
Ulster Bank etc.


Berapa duit yang korang dapat yek?
Alhamdulillah, Allah berikan kita wang yang cukup untuk survive every month melalui JPA.
Thank you Allah!
93500Euro per month.
935.00Euro lah. Hehe =p

Approximately, 400-500Euro akan di spend untuk basic living cost.
Contohnya, house rent, electricity, internet share untuk house spent, duit bus.
Menariknya, xda bil air kat Ireland. Free!! Duduk pulau lah katakan. Tapi bukan air masin kay!

So, bakinya ada lebih kurang plus minus 450-500Euro.
Korang boleh lah budget2 brapa nak simpan.
Duit makan biscuit, cokelat, baju, alat tulis, aiskrim, beg kasut, jalan2, travel, pegi program2 etc.
Astaghfirullah, kat sini bahaya berbelanja sbb semua orang ada debit card. Pergi mana2 guna debit card saje. Jadi, selalunya, mmg jarang yang ada cash kat tangan. Dan sebab itulah kita kena berhati-hati dalam berbelanja sebab mmg tak sedar berapa yang dah belanja. Aisshhh, elakkan kay. Catatlah kat buku 555 everytime korang berbelanja. Jgn asyik cocok debit card je!
Selepas selesai urusan berbelanja roughly per month, insyaAllah, bolehlah transfer ke dalam saving account dalam 150-300euro.
At least, save lah 100-150euro, in case anything emergency, and untuk flite ticket balik Malaysia semestinya!!

So, sekarang xda lagi kay alasan kedekut2 lagi. And, janganlah boros pulak, mentang2 baju2, kasut2, gadget2 sgt hebat kat UK, Ireland. Ha! Lagi2 ebay, amazon. Hati2 korang! Jangan asyik sanagt sampai lupa nak save for future. In case, kena resit paper so on, so kita kena prepare! Tidaklah maksud nak doa untuk fail. Who knows? Only Allah. Yang penting kita prepare. Dan Allah tak suka orang yang boros.

"Hai anak Adam! Pakailah perhiasanmu di tiap-tiap masjid; dan makanlah dan minumlah tetapi jangan boros, sebab Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang yang boros." [al-A'raf: 31]

Elakkan sifat kedekut juga!

“Dan ketahuilah, sesungguhnya harta-hartamu dan anak-anakmu adalah fitnah (ujian/cobaan)
bagimu.” [al-Anfaal: 28]

Sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita peroleh!
Apa yang lebih baik ialah merancang!

RCSI The Introduction

Article prepared by Sis Aisyah Rahman,RCSI.

First thing first, congratulation to all of you who’ve made it through!...In our assumption, you all prolly must have known a little bit about RCSI (or a lot because you study them for the interview). So here are just some additional pieces of informations that we hope would help.

There are two separate building not including the library. Roughly, there is Stephen Mall next to it, and Stephen Green Park is in front of it. City centre would be about 10 minutes walk which you will pass trough Grafton Street (the most expensive outlet rental in the Europe).

Going interiorly, first of all, of course, the lecture theatre. The lecture theatre that is use throughout the your existence in RCSI building is O’Flanagan. It is the largest one filled by students from Malaysia, Canada, Middle East, Trinidad and Tobago, EU and quite few from Ireland itself.

Secondly, you’ll need to know where the anatomy lab is. This is where you’ll dissect cadavers within groups with assigned prosectors. There are around 16 tables and each table would have around 8 members. Anatomy will be first taught in lecture hall then alternately, groups will proceed to the lab.

Thirdly, there will be tutorials for clinical competencies module. Most of the time, the tutorials will be held at Tutorial Room 6. This is located at the other building. You’ll need to first sign up at the porter. If you are not sure where, just ask him, he’ll be delightful to help insyaAllah. Other tutorial rooms are in the main building surrounding the theatre and only one is isolated (TR 5).

Next would be the computer lab. Not too far away (as the building itself is small), and you will need your student ID to gain access. Computer lab is mostly use to print lecture notes or just to past the time.

To use the printers, you will have to top-up you ID card (easily done), there are only one printer though in the computer lab. No worries, there are few other places you can print them out, if you use the desktop in the lab to print, the info is interlink by other printers which is located in a room between student hangout area and the gym (2), and also in the library (will explain later).

There is also newly renovated prayer room at the front part of the building. Inside, there is ablution area and telekongs are provided as well. On Friday, girls are suggested to pray at Friendship Room (next to the prayer room) because all parts of the prayer room will be use for Jumaat prayer.

In case you are hungrraayy, RCSI have lovely halal restaurant on the first floor, AK Henry. They serve bfast/lunch meal, sandwiches, soups and pastries. For the sandwiches counter, you will order like you’ll do in Subway and don’t forget to request for Halal Prep because the also serve non-halal meat for everyone else.

There is also coffee dock downstairs where the also sell pretty much the same thing but with larger hangout area. Outside, there are fast food restaurant near to the library which you’ll prolly master in no time. The nearest are K-klub, Wakin Noodle, Sufi’s cafe, or Momo’s.

Not to forget, the library! This is situated close by at another building behind. It’s called Mercer Library and Mercers’ residency is inside the same compound. You’ll need you ID card to enter and there is another computer lab here as well as 2 printer room. Rooms can be booked for discussion at the counter. The pantry is just opposite to the main entrance as well as toilet.

Then, on the first semester, there’ll be a medical check-up for everyone which will be alerted through emails. This is done at the Mercer Medical Centre which is just a few walk ahead from the library. If you are inneed to see a doctor, you’ll need to make an appointment first.

Lastly, if your laptop malfunction or you lose or broken your ID card, you will need to go to the IT department which is at the other building where Tutorial Room 6 is but it is on the 4th floor.